The gaming OLED monitor recently launched by LG Electronics has reportedly sold out globally. Despite continuous production increases for said product, it remains "out of stock."...
In display R&D, China's rapid development has garnered attention. While South Korea focuses on technology sectors like OLED and backplanes, China instead puts more emphasis on...
Samsung Electronics is aggressively targeting Compute Express Link (CXL), a highly anticipated next-generation memory technology. The CXL market is expected to take off in the second...
Although liquid cooling has become essential for AI servers, recent reports of leaks during testing show that the technology is still in its early stages, while highlighting concerns...
In recent weeks, the shooting incident involving Donald Trump, combined with President Joe Biden's gaffe that raised public concerns about his cognitive health, led to Biden announcing...
GadgeTek, an Acer Group subsidiary, has achieved robust sales in the US market after launching its flagship store on Amazon's e-commerce platform. In June, the company reported sales...
As the number of DRAM stacks in high bandwidth memory (HBM) increases, there will be new developments in Through-Silicon Via (TSV) materials, focus rings and debonding technology...
Taiwan's National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) is betting big on sports technology as a key driver of economic growth. The council aims to cultivate a robust industry capable...
Smartphones are increasingly using AMOLED panels and in the first quarter of 2024, the overall shipment volume of AMOLED panels surpassed TFT LCD panels for the first time, making...
Tesla's net profit fell by 45% YoY in the second quarter of 2024 to US$1.48 billion, which may indicate that the company is facing challenges with its transformation, according to...
The Japanese yen's depreciation will provide Japan-based ABF substrate companies with an additional advantage over their Taiwanese counterparts, in addition to technology leadership,...
The booming development of AI applications is accelerating the advancement of IC process production, with fabless chipmakers also upgrading manufacturing specifications for their...
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Hon Hai Corporation, Hon Hai Research Institute held the AI NExT Forum with the theme of "50 Years-New Era of Wisdom: Generative AI and Future...