Wednesday 8 October 2014
Demand for non-Apple notebooks, tablets may remain weak until 2Q15, say Taiwan makers
Under large pressure due to booming sales of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and new iPad models possibly to be launched in the fourth quarter and Apple Watch expected to be launched...
Thursday 2 October 2014
New Wintel platforms may impact 4Q14 PC demand
Microsoft and Intel's plans to release new platforms in the first half of 2015 are expected to affect demand for PCs in the fourth quarter, according to sources from the upstream...
Thursday 2 October 2014
Windows 10 expected to have limited effect on boosting notebook demand
Commenting on Microsoft's latest operating system, some notebook component makers are taking a pessimistic attitude about Windows 10 helping to boost notebook demand and expect overall...
Wednesday 1 October 2014
Microsoft unveils Windows 10
Microsoft has unveiled its next operating system, Windows 10, and gave a first look at an early technical preview for the PC available. The announcement highlighted advancements designed...